Summer Boating Safety

Summer Boating Safety

May 04, 2014

At T-H Marine our focus is on helping people have a fun and most importantly safety out on the water. Every year we read about various boating accidents from all over the world and wonder what could have been done to prevent such tragedy. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 560 people died in boating accidents in 2013. The water shouldn't be a place where you're worried about taking your children and loved ones because of what MIGHT happen. So here's a couple of tips from our team to help keep you and yours safe during the most fun time of the year:

  • Alcohol

More often than not this is at least a contributing factor to deadly accidents on the water. It's pretty simple, alcohol and recreational boating just do not mix. Leave your cooler at the dock or designate a driver (and preferably one who knows what he's doing, which brings up our next point..)

  • Experience

An inexperienced boater is just as dangerous as one who's had too much to drink. It's not just young boaters either; inexperience can come in the form of anyone who is not familiar with boating or the rules of the waterways. The things that may be common sense and second nature to a seasoned boater just don't occur to someone who doesn't spend frequent time on the water. Take the time to teach youngsters and beginners the right way to do things on the water. A great resource to make sure you're ready for the water is, they have tests you can take to get your boaters license. Every person operating a watercraft should have this certification with their state.

  • Life jackets

Some things shouldn't have to even be said, but then there are the stories about people not wearing life jackets or even worse not having any on board. The U.S. Coast Guard estimates that life jackets could have saved the lives of over 80 percent of boating fatality victims. That's an astounding statistic that shows just how much people disregard this life-saving piece of equipment.

  • Common sense

Keeping all of the things that can go wrong out on the water in mind is a good way to stay vigilant. Keep an eye on the weather, other swimmers, your passengers and other boats out on the water. It's up to all of us to stay safe and to report those who aren't being so safe. If you see something, say something. You might just be saving someone's life without even knowing it.